Bentzy's Food Depot
Kosher Food Depot /
Epicerie Cachere

In categories: Bakeries, Fruits & Vegetables, Supermarkets
Specializing in Peanut-Free, Tree-Nuts Free, Lactose-Free
Offering the finest and broadest selection of groceries, fruits & vegetables, non-food items, take-out, and even fresh sushi made on the premises by our personal sushi chef, all at the best prices. We even offer free delivery! And if you need prepared food for an occasion, we can take care of that, too! And, you can e-mail us your orders 24 hours a day!
Check out our Kosher products !!!
See our separate listing for La Sova Kosher (Lipa's Up North) (KP)
Delivery up north Monday thru Thursday
Our newly renovated premises have been designed to provide you with the best service, offering you the finest in bread, danishes & cakes, knishes, even gefilte fish!
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